About us

Our lives are a journey with Jesus and together, as community we share the vision that at Brentwood Vineyard Church we want to:
1. Be with Jesus
2. Be like Jesus
3. Do what Jesus did
So what makes the Vineyard..... "The Vineyard"?
At a Vineyard Leaders' and Pastors' Conference in September 1992, John Wimber (one of the main founders of the Vineyard Church worldwide) taught on 10 areas of ministry that were essential to any Vineyard church. John called these areas the "Vineyard Genetic Code" because they are the common denominators that identify us as a "family". So a Vineyard experience typically includes:
Clear, accurate and Biblical teaching
Contemporary worship in the freedom of the Holy Spirit
The spiritual gifts God gives in operation
An active list of small groups meeting in homes
Outreaches and activities to help the poor, widows/ers, orphans and those who are broken
Physical healing with emphasis on signs and wonders as seen in the Book of Acts (from the New Testament of the Bible)
A commitment to missions - church planting at home and world missions abroad
Unity within the whole church of Christ; a good, active relationship with other local churches
Evangelistic outreach - being open to outsiders
Equipping Christians in areas such as discipleship, ministry, serving, giving, finances, family, etc.
Find out more about what we believe as a group of churches by reading our statement of faith.

our pastors

Born under the South African sun and sky, I grew up loving sport, people and God. A good day can be described as spending time with friends, enjoying a 'braai' and watching the Springboks beat everyone else! Blessed to be husband/friend to Amelia and dad to Ethan and Xenia. I have a passion to teach and share the Good News of Jesus, and see it as a privilege to do what I do.
I felt God's calling on my life for full time ministry at the age of 15 and I went on to study Theology at RAU (BA Theology) and then University of Pretoria (BD Theology and Masters Degree in Theology). I had the privilege of leading two churches in SA. God intervened by prompting a move to the UK. So we arrived in the UK with two suitcases in 2000. 'Come back home' were the words that confirmed a return to fulltime ministry in 2008. I've had the honour of serving as the Senior Paster here since September 2009, as we share Jesus here, there and everywhere!
I have a desire to see people live a life of purpose and influence because of a relationship with Jesus. For Brentwood Vineyard to be a place that empowers people to lead and impact in every area and aspect of their life. My areas of focus are the setting and casting of the vision and spiritual direction for the church, preaching and teaching the Word and the oversight of the Leadership and other leaders. I am blessed to be surrounded by a great team of passionate and dedicated individuals who together have a heart to serve. My prayer is that you will enjoy being in our friendly and relaxed atmosphere, whilst at the same time sending and experiencing God's presence, to enable you to have an encounter with the living God in a way that is personal and relevant to you.
The eldest daughter of godly parents and a native of South Africa. I am Pastor Lukas's wife, and Ethan's and Xenia's mummy. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, watching movies, entertaining and baking (stress relief). I love seeing God's purposes fulfilled in people's lives and living life to the full. I am passionate about equipping the saints... so we can be truly be God's hands and feet wherever he places us!
At the young age of 11, God opened my eyes to the reality of him and from that point He started to reveal His plans for my life. In November 1998, I married my childhood sweetheart, who happened to be an ordained Minister. Over time and prompted by the Spirit, we realised that there was more to God and He wanted us to take hold of it. So, in obedience to him, we left behind the security of the known in search of this. In March 2000, we arrived in the UK, which put the wheels in motion for even more amazing things. Over a period of 9 years, God's purposes continued to work themselves out and finally culminated with us finding a place we could call home here at Brentwood Vineyard in September 2009.
I organise and coordinate the day-to-day running of church life. Publicly, I teach, I pray, and when tapped by the Lord, I prophesy. However, as pastor and part of the leadership, my greatest role is most often unseen. To most, it looks as if I am just sitting on the front row looking adoringly at my husband as he preaches. But, besides that, I always have my antennae up to sense what's going on out there. What would the Lord have us do better or different so we could know, understand and love him more deeply and intimately? I love God's people and I love the part of the Body that He allows me to call family.